Mindfulness for Runners

Looking to learn more about the benefits of mindfulness for runners? Take a look at our latest articles where we take a look at the foundations of mindful running and how to apply these principles to your own training. Subscribe to our news letter to receive the latest updates and articles.

The value of choosing to pay attention

In recent weeks, I’ve spent quite a lot of time reflecting on Jon Kabat Zinn’s definition of mindfulness. He describes mindfulness as paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally. This first quality of paying attention ‘on purpose’ might appear quite a straightforward proposition, but it’s worthy of closer inspection. Paying attention on […]

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Becoming more familiar with our emotional furniture

A favourite phrase that we first heard from the Zen teacher Ken Jones, describes the awareness that arises through mindfulness meditation practice as a process of becoming more familiar with our emotional furniture. In RUN-ZEN’s approach to integrating mindfulness practices with running, we’ve found this analogy of emotional furniture can be really helpful to our

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